Shark Attacks – My Theory

Right from the outset I am going to tell you that sharks are a necessary part of the food chain and should continue to be protected.

Sharks are predators and scavengers. In their role of scavengers they are natures waste disposal units for the ocean. If there is a sick or dying sea creature the shark is there to clean it up – dispose of it. 

Sharks are highly evolved creatures – meaning that nature got them right thousands of years ago. I point this out because I do not believe a shark mistakes a human in a wetsuit for a seal. I believe that what is happening is that the shark goes into cleanup mode around humans in wetsuits. 

When a fish is in distress it urinates and it is this that I believe is one of the ways a shark detects that a fish is distressed and needs to be cleaned up.

Most people that wear wetsuits urinate in them. One of the reasons they do this is to create warmth. I know this because I have done it myself when out surfing. If there is a shark in the area I believe this is what it picks up on and therefore not making the mistake of thinking the human is a seal but making the mistake that the human is a distressed sea creature that nature has told it to clean up.

I bet if you ask any shark attack victim – they probably won’t want to admit it – but I bet they urinated in their wetsuit before they were attacked.

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The One That Got Away!

All fishermen have a tale about the one that got away and I am no exception.

I was surf fishing my local beach one fine sunny day when I hooked into something big. I lost about three quarters of my line to this thing and managed to retrieve about half of it when it decided to turn tail and head out to sea. I think maybe I might not have had my drag set tight enough because it peeled of every inch of 375 yards of 25k breaking strain. When all the line was out and I was down to the bare spool with just the bit that was tied around the reel I knew then that I had lost the fight.

I struggled with that thing for over half an hour. I was using a big surf outfit but Like I said I think I might have had the drag too loose. It didn’t really matter to me that I didn’t even get a look at it because I enjoyed every minute of it as I do with all my fishing trips.

Catching fish isn’t the end goal for me. The enjoyment of a few ours spent outdoors with my dog, usually at the beach, is what counts for me. If I catch a fish that’s a bonus.

So if you have a tale of ‘The One That Got Away’ let me know.

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My Pet Driving Hates

Indicator Indicator
Flash me that light
Cos I want to know
If you’re going left or right

Yes – people who don’t use their indicators would have to be on the top of the list of my pet driving hates. Let’s even forget for a moment that you are breaking the law by not indicating your intentions. It’s downright dangerous and ignorant. How the hell are other road users supposed to know which way you are turning – if you are turning if you don’t signal.

The next on my list are those who can’t or won’t sit on a steady speed – especially on freeways. In built up areas where there are lots of traffic lights etc one can expect to be changing speed all the time. But on the freeway I expect to be able to sit on one speed. It’s easy enough to do especially with modern cars because they have cruise control. My poor old car doesn’t have cruise control but it’s easy enough to sit on a steady speed. Changing speed all the time uses more fuel.

Coming close behind those that can’t sit on a steady speed are those that sit on 80 in a 100 zone then decide to speed up just at that moment when you decide to overtake them. Are they trying to be smart or what?

Another one – when there are road works with signs telling drivers that a lane is closed. A lot of drivers stay in the closed lane until the very last minute and expect to push in between other cars that did the right thing and merged as soon as they saw the sign. Thus avoiding angering other already impatient drivers.

People who drive too fast in shopping centre car parks. It’s as though they think there is one set of road rules for the open road and another set of made up rules for shopping centres.

Cars that drive slow in the right hand lanes of a freeway (if your driving in Australia). By courtesy the left hand lands are generally reserved for slow cars allowing faster cars to  pass them in the right hand lanes.

Tailgaters – those cars that sit so close to your bumper that they have no choice but to crash into you if you have to break suddenly.

Please feel free to add your own pet driving hates or comment on mine.

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